Git and Heroku Workflow With Ruby on Rails

Getting a Git workflow going with Heroku can be rough. Using Rails, this tutorial works on granting a new developer access to a development environment, where your code can be worked on locally, a staging environment where your code can be pushed to Heroku first to make sure you haven’t broken anything, and finally a production environment where your code will be pushed directly to your website. Additionally there will be lists of other commands that are frequently used in various situations in Git and Heroku that will be compiled at the end.

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Creating and Reading API’s, More Git

I’ve had this drafted for awhile but I’ve forgotten to post it so here it goes anyways … again.

In the previous couple of weeks, learning how to add security features to our app was fun, and Devise actually makes a lot of these things easier, so long as we don’t try to add any customization to it afterwards. These next few weeks have been spent on learning how to call API’s and learning how to create them. We also returned to Git, something we’d covered in the first week of class.

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